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Invite others to "Grow [their] Faith"

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How do Mormons feel about other churches?

How do Mormons feel about other churches?

In my many adventures from the edge of Marin, to the center of Vacaville, I have been followed by this question. I have answered it many times, and I suspect I will probably answer it many more times.

Every person on this Earth, is a child of God. Our purpose here is to learn, and grow closer to him. Paul in his Epistle to the Phillipians tells us that we should seek after all things that are true, honest, just, lovely and virtuous.  Anything that leads us to God is good.

Several years ago, the prophet at the time Gordon Hinckley, answered a similar question in an interview on National Television. This is what he said, "We don’t down grade any Church. We don’t speak disparagingly of any Church. We simply say to people of other Churches, bring all the good that you have and come and let us see if we can add to it."

That would be my answer to those who are wondering this question. Put that invitation to the test.

Visit and learn more. See if you don't find more truth, honesty, virtue, and lovliness in your life.


Anonymous said...

didnt joeseph smith say that God told him all other churches are an abombination?

kaylie jean. said...

I love this response from President Hinkley. I took a "Survey of World Religions" class from BYU last semester, and it was absolutely incredible to learn about the truths found in a lot of other religions. So many people around the world are living moral, wholesome lives due to the practicing of their religions. These people are people who are so prepared to hear and recieve the fulness of the gospel.

This is probably a conversation I want to have with you when you get home, too. I love talking about this stuff. :)

Sister B. D. Gorder said...

I really like that quote!!